Friday, July 22, 2011

mY vIeW oN SaOl

Hi! sAuRaBh HeRe I am an ezine subscriber of Speakasia for the last 10 months. 

The magzine are so informative and I like it. 
Besides this my subscription also allows me to participate in speakasia activities. 

I do give opinion through the questionnaire and rewarded points which enables me to empower me to buy whatever I want. According to my understanding of the program it is genuine and legal. 
It runs almost in the lines of world famous program called club-asteria which is run by Ex-World Bank Director.

When I compare with other survey programs which started in India after speakasia started this is far far better program. My only question is why people are not raising any issues against them and why only against Speakasia. Could it be envy of its growth ?. may be these people are competitors to speakasia ?. 
Jeolous ?. 
Its is very mysterious. 
As for me I like Speakasia concept.