Thursday, August 18, 2011

Speak Asia COO Mr Tarak Bajpai's Bail Granted

Speak Asia COO Mr Tarak Bajpai's Bail Granted

Dear Speak Asians,
Its 18th August and its time for all Speak Asians to Celebrate Independence Day - Yes..!!
Its The Mega Breaking News - Mr Tarak Bajai Along With Others Have Been Given Unconditional Bail

Thursday, August 4, 2011

DiS shOwS dat sAoL iS nOt BlAcK lIsTeD iN sInGaPoRE

I have Received this certificate of Compliance from Acra by paying them 15$ fee...

This is Live Link which will expire on 6th August to download this certificate from acra website...

HAREN VENTURE PTE LTD is same company listed on our receipts that we get from company after we purchase ezines...

ExIt OpTiOn By SPkasIA

Like whO CAn smELl D vIcToRy Of SaOl :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

mY vIeW oN SaOl

Hi! sAuRaBh HeRe I am an ezine subscriber of Speakasia for the last 10 months. 

The magzine are so informative and I like it. 
Besides this my subscription also allows me to participate in speakasia activities. 

I do give opinion through the questionnaire and rewarded points which enables me to empower me to buy whatever I want. According to my understanding of the program it is genuine and legal. 
It runs almost in the lines of world famous program called club-asteria which is run by Ex-World Bank Director.

When I compare with other survey programs which started in India after speakasia started this is far far better program. My only question is why people are not raising any issues against them and why only against Speakasia. Could it be envy of its growth ?. may be these people are competitors to speakasia ?. 
Jeolous ?. 
Its is very mysterious. 
As for me I like Speakasia concept. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

sPeAk aSia adS In MoSt PoPuLAR webSiTeS :) & prInT media

saOl GoInG 2 bEcOme iNDIan coMpanY SO0N :)

Great News for all panelist of speak asia. the company has moved its legal documents for registration in India. Soon, Speak Asia Would Becoume an Indian Company, Said its chief opertating officer (COO) Tarak Bajpai while talking exclusively to Hindustan Time at sangeet natak Akademi.
Bajpai was in lucknow to address top business leaders here about the future strategy of the company. you can full article here. while addressing top business leaders in the city Tarak Bajpai assured panelists that the company would start paying them back by the end of July.

He also talk about there e-shopping website which start soon. custumers of speak asia would be able to purchase 14 categories of products from there site at low rate. you can read about this produc
t here.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

MLM tRaInInG SeCrEtS __________“Ten Commandments for WildFire Recruiting!”_________

  •       “Ten Commandments for WildFire Recruiting!”

 1.   * "Thou Shalt Make the Prospect Comfortable.”
          o You must make the prospect comfortable quickly, and keep them in a comfortable state of mind. How do you do that? Simple. You must be comfortable with what you are doing, and showing no pressure at all in your conversation, and keeping it warm and friendly in what you say and do. And keep talking about them, what interests them and what they are looking for. People are comfortable talking about what interests them, not you.

  2.  * “Thou Shalt keep the Conversation Focused on the Prospect.”
          o The prospect is listening to a particular radio station – KIA-AM. It is a VERY important radio station to the prospect. It is radio “Keep It All About Me”. You must keep the Network Marketing conversation focused on what they want to see happen in their life, and their future. Focus on them and them only, and continue to ask questions and keep a “TINY” focus- “Their Interests Not Yours!” It’s ALL about the prospect. Keep your focus on them.

  3.  * “Thou Shalt Build Trust.”
          o If the prospect does not trust you, than you will not recruit them. You MUST get them to trust you, as this is one of the cornerstones of recruiting. Come across as “agenda-less” and no motives, except to see if your business is something they would want to explore. And operate in total integrity. If you don’t, it will catch up with you. Keep their life in focus, not yours. If you do, your business will become a greater focus to the prospect.

 4.   * “Thou Shalt Hear the Prospect, not just Listen.”
          o Many people listen to an MLM prospect, but few hear the prospect. The prospect will tell you all you need to know to recruit them, if you hear what they are saying. Listening is processing the words, but not the meaning and emotions. Most people are too busy thinking what they are going to say next, to ever hear a prospect. “Would you please tell me what you meant by that? That was interesting…” or “Tell me what you are really are looking for in life…” are good statement for hearing. Those that listen with the ears have shallow listening…those that listen with the heart and to the emotions, have Success Listening, and actually hear the prospect with a depth that is Magnetic to Success.

  5.  * “Thou Shalt Take the Pressure off the Prospect.”
          o So many folks in this industry, have a tendency to put some form of pressure on the prospect thinking that will help motivate them. It doesn’t. Pressure is a sure way of pushing the prospect away, and their defenses going up. Take the pressure off with a “Pressure Valve” phrase, like “I am not sure this is something that is right for you or not.” “Or, I am not sure this would be a fit for you….” These simply take the pressure off, and show the prospect that you “…only want what is best for you and your family”.

6.    * “Thou Shalt Connect with the Prospect and They Must Connect with You.”
          o Connection is the secret to getting the prospect moving towards you psychologically. It is the process of asking questions, and finding things that you have in common, you can relate to, you can share, you both agree with, etc. The more that a prospect feels connected to you, the more that your recruiting magnetism is growing. “You and I have some things in common…” “I can relate to that!” “I totally agree with you…” are Connecting Phrases for Recruiting. It is a fact that who people feel connected to, they listen to closely, because they feel comfortable with them.

  7.  * “Thou Shalt Paint Word Pictures in Full Color.”
          o We think in pictures. When you think, you actually “see” an image in your mind, and that picture becomes a thought. Your prospect thinks that way too. And if you are giving them only details and facts, then it is not going to set their dreams in motion. You must “paint them there” in their dream,on the canvass of their mind with your words and emotions. “Imagine the feeling of….” “Can you see yourself…?” “How would your family enjoy…” “What would happen if you really did achieve this..?” “I can see you living in that home…can you?” Find out what the prospect wants to happen in their life that is not happening, then “paint them there” in their mind with your words. Your words are the brush strokes on the canvass of their mind, and your emotions are the colors. Paint a picture of Success, in High Achievement Technicolor.

 8.   * “Thou Shalt Pour Out Hope, not Hype.”
          o “Pouring out” is an art that Successful people and MLM Leaders have mastered. It is simply taking the best of your emotions, and pouring them into a person with your words, caring and belief. Hope is the “Master Product” in Network Marketing. Many people are so focused on getting the prospect excited, they forget that Hope is more powerful than hype. Hype comes from the head, and Hope comes from the heart. One is heard, and the other is felt. Pour out with your words and emotions the Power of Hope for a better future, income, and lifestyle. As your pour in, the prospect will begin to pour out their heart, and you will know the truth of what they are hoping for in life.

 9.   * “Thou Shalt have Something FOR the Prospect, not want Something FROM the Prospect.”
          o Many times, we come to the prospect, and we have a “dollar bill stuck on our foreheads.” We have our hands mentally reaching for their wallet, and also for their contact list. The prospect can feel this very quickly. You must not approach a prospect with your hand out mentally empty, as if asking for a crumb of bread. You must have your hand out filled with Hope, Dreams, Success, Fulfillment, and an Incredible Lifestyle, ready to give that to them. If you do, you will have a radically different mind set. One is a “taking mindset” and the other is a “giving mindset.” The prospect will ALWAYS be drawn towards a GIVING mindset, not a taking one. Have the Gift of Success and Lifestyle ready to give your prospect, not the desire to take something from them. “For you” will always have more power than “From you” in recruiting.

10.    * “Thou Shalt Not Be Emotionally Attached to the Result.”
          o So many times, we get discouraged, and down, when the results of our recruiting efforts do not align with what we want to happen. Our emotions kick in, we start doubting ourselves, and what we are doing, and fear starts to creep in…the Fear of Failure. Then you get so discouraged, you end up giving up. This happens because your emotions were controlling you, not you controlling your emotions. You must step back from the results, as you must understand that many people are too busy living their life to ever put more life in their living. Timing may not be right. They may be totally happy where they are in life. They are not saying no to you, but to themselves. Don’t get emotionally attached to the possibility of your mlm prospect enrolling until they have given you reason to. Discouragement is a result of your emotions dominating reality. Reality is, there are more people out in the world who are looking for you, then you could ever imagine. Go talk to them, and bless them with your business, instead of being bound and imprisoned by the chains of negative emotion inMLM and Network Marketing.

tHnKz & ReGaRdS
sAuRaBh ShArMA
  • 09988578871

SpEaK AsIa OnLiNe TrUe FaCtS & fIgUrEs

  •                             sPeAkAsIa oNlInE FaCtS & FIGUrEs                           

1.Speakasia Online Pte Ltd. has been black listed by Singapore’s Registrar of Companies? Is that true?

No, absolutely false. The company has not been blacklisted ever. People have misconstrued the (X ) sign ACRA had given on their site for delay in filing the annual returns, last year. The returns for this FY 10-11 will be filed after the year end on 31st May and this status will change.

2.Who are the promoters of Speakasia Online Pte Ltd.?

Speak Asia is owned by a holding company – Podium Ring International Ltd , registered in BVI , is owned and controlled by Ms Harender Kaur and Associates.

3.Is Speakasiaonline registered under Indian Companies Act also?

No, Speak Asia is not registered as a company in India as it is not a PE ( permanent Establishment ) . The nature of business is such that legally the need for a PE does not arise as per prevailing laws in India. However to effectively support the business in India, Speak Asia is now going to open a PE in India soon, as has been announced in the press conference by CEO India – Manoj Kumar.

4.Do we have any registered office or contact office of Speakasia Online in India?

No , Speak Asia does not have its office or its own contact office in India . Its business model is such that it has vendors for call center, Support , Marcom , Technology and Training who have respective legal business entities in India .

5.Who is heading Indian operations of Speakasia Online?

W.e.f 15th May 2011, Mr Manoj Kumar has taken charge as the CEO India .

6.Can Speakasia Online show its financial results of last few financial years?

Annual financial results filed by the company thus far are available on ACRA site . We complete full one year of active operations on 31st May ,2011 and will file the returns .

7.Can speakasia online show its tax returns?

Speak Asia does not collect any money from India and thus does not have any bank accounts here . The Collecting Representatives ( CR ) for ‘Surveys Today’ ezine have paid service tax against remittances made to HVP. Over 68Cr of Service Tax was paid in the FY 2010-11 for the business done in India . Tax returns for the same have been filed with service tax deptt.

8.Who are the clients for whom Speakasia Online conduct surveys? Can we have the list of those clients?

Panel Business operates on the lines of multiple exchanges where panel providers are pooled in and the clients can take their pick of the panels based on their profile requirement directly or through brokers. The panel profile can be based on demographics and many other parameters. The selected profiled panel is picked up like in any other exchange and the work is allocated to them. Hence the panels cannot know the clients name directly. (e.g. in a stock exchange we buy stocks but at the time of buying we do not know who is selling those stocks)
This is a confidential data hence the names have not been publically disclosed .However our books of accounts clearly show the details of income from panel business and the agencies who gave us work . The same is being submitted to concerned Govt authorities in India as a proof of income.

9.What is the business structure for Speakasia Online? How is money distributed to panelist?

Speak Asia is creating a community of consumers which earns rewards points by participating in companies activities ( e.g -ezine sales , surveys filling , product referrals / sales , advertising based surveys , self development training programs ) on the website and burns those earned reward points for purchase of products and services from the website . The company’s business model is to make profits from product and service sales after providing for the cost of servicing the reward points.
Speak Asia gets research done ‘on’ and ‘for’ different companies , products and services ; panelists earn reward points (RP) for participating with their valuable opinions in the surveys.
Effective June- July 2011 , advertisement based revenues will start where panelists earn reward points (RP) for watching the ads carefully and giving them feedback on the same.10.Products are available with Speak Asia at special rates; panelists earn through saving on purchase or reselling of products.

The Reward Points thus earned are redeemed through consumption of product and services offered by the company . Panelists can buy products ( such as mobile, LCD … aptly demonstrated in recent GenX bazaar at Goa where over 4,00,000 reward points were used by just 3000 panelists for buying goods ) . They can also buy subscription codes for distribution. The left over reward points can be encashed on request made on the website . All cash requests are processed through the bank and money is sent from Singapore to respective banks through TT .

10. Is any background check of panelist is done by the Speakasia Online? What if distributors and franchisee holders are using fake names and id?

Yes , every panelist is required to provide his mobile number and bank account details in his profile which are already validated by respective agencies who have a system in place .

11. What is the relationship between franchisee holder/ distributor and the company? Are they the legally authorised represetatives of the Company in India?

The Distributors have an agreement with HVP Singapore for selling subscription of Surveys Today ezines . The subscription number / code is used for registering on the SAOL website .The distributors are also required to provide basic training to Panelists for using SAOL site effectively . These distributors are authorized representative of HVP Singapore .

12. From which country the payment is made to panelists? If it is India, then on whose name bank accounts are being operated?

Payment to the Panelists in India is being made from Singapore through bank TT. There is no Bank Account of SAOL in India

13. Are the RBI guideline’s regarding to foreign exchange being complied, if the payments are made to panelist from outside the Country?

Yes , vide Master Circular No. 01/2010-11 dated 01.07.2011 issued by RBI in respect of Misc Remitance to India

14. Can Speakasia online show its legal/incorporation documents?

Yes , Annexure1 is attached

15. Subscription money paid by the panelist is deposited into whose bank accounts?
Money is deposited in the bank account of the distributors. These distributors in turn remit the money to HVP Singapore using the services of collection representatives ( CR ) using RBI authorized banks .

16. Has Speakasia online obtained any permission from SEBI to run a collective investment scheme, which promise assured returns?

Speak Asia does not run a collective investment scheme . Our panelists promote sales of Surveys Today ezine , work on the website , buy & refer products and services. This does not fall into the category of collective investment scheme. Thus no such permission is required from SEBI .

17. Are there any legal cases pending against Speakasia Online in Singapore, India or any other jurisdiction? What are the status of such cases?

None till date

18. What recourse does the panelist have if speakasia online stops making payment to them?

The company reserves in its accounts, amounts equal to estimated payments for the month at the beginning of every month . and has offered to put funds equivalent to its 2 months payouts , in an escrow account which can be used for making any payment to the panelist.

19. What is a relationship between Haren Technologies and Speakasia Online?

Speak Asia Online was earlier named as Haren Technology Pte Ltd which was incorporated on 15/12/2006

20. Are the same types of surveys conducted by Speakasia Online in Singapore also?

The operations in Singapore are limited and the panel size is very small. Thus no surveys are being done there. In July 2011 we plan to actively acquire new panels in Singapore , Malaysia , Indonesia and Philippines for which a new office has already been acquired in Singapore.

21. In which all countries does Speakasia Online have its presence?
Being an online activity the company panelists have registered from many countries such as Australia , Singapore , Bangladesh , India , Malaysia , Phillipines , Indonasia , .. just to name a few . Full scale activities of the company have commenced in India and other will follow soon .

22. Why Speakasia Online has stopped its working in Bagladesh?

The company is yet to officially start the business directly in Bangladesh and is studying the laws and other statutory requirements before going there with direct presence.

23. What all legal actions have been taken by Speakasia Online to protect its image in India and all over the world?
We have approached all legal and governmental authorities in India ( such as PMO , Ministries of Finance , Company Affairs , Home Affairs and Law enforcement authorities ) through official communication for presenting our business , financial and legal framework.
Further ,We have engaged the best of the breed organizations in their respective fields such as Management Consulting , PR, Legal , Tax compliances , Marketing Communication , Training etc .

24. Is it a fake company?

No , it is a legal entity registered in Singapore . This is validated in annexure 1

pAnElIsT (sPeAk aSiA oNlInE ) sammy007 , vision70
  1. 09988578871
  2. 09888736610

Thursday, April 28, 2011

wHy Do We NeEd sUrVeYs ....? (9988578871)

Spending millions in designing, manufacturing and marketing doesn’t necessarily guarantee a star product. Hence, organizations worldwide prefer to cut their business risk by intelligently investing a fraction of their funds in market research and know what the consumers prefer.

A survey is one of the most commonly used tools in market research. Inferences are drawn and insights are gathered by questioning a set of people. The set of questions are objective and/or subjective in nature. The answers collectively form the guidelines for organizations to take the best possible business decisions.

Surveys cut the risk of product failure to a large extent as it enables companies to understand the psyche of their customers. They provide companies with valuable customer information. This, in turn, helps them get an edge over the competition, and come up with successful products and services from time to time.
Visit the website :-

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

telecast of speak asia online at ndtv imagine 

SPEAK ASIA ONLINE (9988578871)

"You can earn from Rs. 4,000 ($80) to Rs. 40,000 ($800) per month"

For earning above income you have to enroll yourself with the company as a premium panelist by paying a subscription amount of Rs. 11,000 ($220) valid for 1year, in which you will be required to fill up2 surveys weekly by logging in to company website through your login id and password (which you will get upon your enrollment) and you will be paid Rs. 1000 ($20) weekly for 52 weeks (Total income in a year = Rs. 52, 000 ($1040).

Virtual Office
:- Company also provides you a Virtual office with your login id & password to monitor growth of your business and see your earning details 24 -7, you do not have to maintain any records yourself as this is done online for you by the company's high-tech software.

: - You can earn more by referring this part time work to your friends relatives so that they also get benefited and you will get paid for getting them enrolled with the company, thus increasing company's customer base. For each panel referred by you, you get 10% Rs. 1000.00 ($20) this income is paid on daily basis. (You can refer as many panelists as you can anywhere in India, Singapore and Malaysia and later on Thailand, Philippines and rest of the world).

Royalty: - You will also earn Royalty income of 15% of per panel per week of survey income of each of your referred panels for 52 weeks.

Add. Sub panel: - You can increase your income by filling more survey. For this you can add up to 9 sub panels at a discounted subscription rate of Rs. 10,000 ($200) per sub panel with your mail panel. (Total Subscription amount for 10 panels Rs. 1, 01000 ($2020). Then you will get up to 20 surveys (2 surveys per panel) weekly to fill up you have to work daily 1 hour (or you can work single day in a week for 7 hours and fill- up all 20 surveys) and you will be paid Rs. 10,000 ($200) every week for 52 weeks (Total income in a year = Rs. 5, 20,000 ($10400).

Note: - Company Trade on $ at Rs. 50.00 in India.

Contact Person : - Mr. saurabh sharma & mr. varun sharma

Sponsor User IDs : - sammy007 , vision70

Contact Number : - +91 9988578871, 8146902424,

9888736610 , 9357023370

* Email Id : -,

 Web : -